The NYC Doula Collective is a collective of birth workers serving the New York City area. We offer quality care for expectant parents and a space for doulas to build a strong sense of community. Through ongoing professional development, regular meetings for members, active mentoring, and a commitment to giving back to the community, our Collective strives to create a close knit community of doulas offering families professional doula support in a range of fee levels.

The NYC Doula Collective brings together seasoned doulas and those new to their practice to form a collective of birth doulas. Our organization emphasizes professionalism, mentoring, community and accountability.

Mentoring is a fundamental and essential part of the NYC Doula Collective. Our seasoned doulas serve as mentors to doulas newer to their practice, furthering their education beyond their initial doula training. This relationship begins when doulas who are new to their practice join the Collective and continues until they become seasoned doulas and mentors themselves.

Our doulas have shared ethical commitments and standards of professionalism aimed at providing a exceptional model for doula care. Our range of fees and experience allow for parents to select the doula that will best match their needs while providing a consistent labor package regardless of experience level. At all times, we are constantly growing and learning together, striving to provide the best possible labor support to NYC families and find sustainability in doula work.

Many of our doulas offer additional supplemental services beyond birth doula services, including childbirth education, hypnobabies, birth pool rentals, lactation support, massage therapy, yoga and placenta encapsulation.

All doulas allied with this Collective are independent contractors and operate individual practices that reflect their skill set, personal passions and level of experience. The NYC Doula Collective acts as a doula referral service and does not assume direct responsibility for the doulas allied with this organization. A doula does not replace the medical support of a healthcare provider. Once hired, they work for you, their client; not for the Collective, or for your care provider or chosen birthing place.

Please feel free to contact our Referral Coordinator with any questions or additional referrals. If you are interested in doula services, please visit our contact page. We will put you in touch with available doulas, upon request.